I built a garden playhouse, for the kids, and of course it needed some LED lights.

Table of contents


I started out by making a rough drawing of what I had in mind
The "foundation" were just some 2×6" impregnated beams rested on four slabs
Framework was made by 2×3", decking was impregnated boards
Primed wood siding on the outside
Trusses out of 2×4", with an overhang for a small front porch
Black singles on the roof, 21mm underlying panel
Inside, with the siding and roof completed
Gable boards complete, for a nicer look


Because everything great has LEDs; I got two cheap eBay 12V flood lights.

There is no mains power available nearby, and I didn’t want an extension cord across the lawn, so I used a battery instead. It does last quite a long time, but needs charging more often in the winter.

The two lights are controlled with regular wall-mounted mains switches, this makes them easy to operate — even for tiny hands inside mittens.

I also added a female power jack, so that the IKEA play kitchen could be connected.

12V battery and switches for inside and outside lights
16mm flexible conduit on the outside for the wires to the lamps
Front porch light
Garden playhouse, with lights!

Here are the parts I used for LED lights:

  • 1 × Battery, lead-acid rechargeable 12V, 7.2Ah, 151x95x65, 2.7kg
  • 2 × Flood light, LED, Warm white, 12V, 10W, outdoor
  • 6 m Wire, stranded, 2-cores, 1.5 mm2, Red/Black

Last commit 2022-08-06, with message: add summary and emojies to older posts